To be honest, I was slightly disappointed as I was looking forward to another new revelation, but everyone suddenly just became forgiving and resolved their problems peacefully. [SPOILERS!!! Sky castle nos 1 is no joke and what you learnt after watching the drama. In the prison system, I’m in episode 15, hye na is dead. Now as I read that the characters I hate will get happy ending, I don’t feel like watching.

At the ending scene, it cuts back to Hannam Bank’s VVIP Investment briefing, which is a cover for exam coordinators briefing, and Kim Joo Young’s face appeared again at the very last scene.With the addition of a new family and the reappearance of Coach Kim, it seems like a SKY Castle Season 2 is possible. I am not talking about making sure Kay had a nice place to go to, but the act of taking Kay to her mother, that was weird. It almost felt as if the person who wrote episode 20 wasn’t the writer, it might not make sense to some of you but when I recall the episodes I have watched previously episode 20 just doesn’t fit the overall vibe. She hated herself and the life she had because of how cruel the society was and didnt wish that for her child in any circumstance. Mr.Ji and Coach Kim should’ve been together, that should be a good ending. Jeffrey chua 3:23 pm Two mistakes of now modern parents learnt from sky castle drama. Since when did such selfish mothers make such a drastic transformation so easily? I don’t understand why the writer changed Lee Soo Im character so suddenly and made her out to be this extremely compassionate person who continues to stick by or support those who harmed her most when it didn’t seem she was that type of person throughout the entire drama runtime.

I will miss the cast they were all amazing in their own way. I find what he did completely logical and within reason, however, I don’t like the manner in which it was carried out. Is this their afterlife story after they all committed suicide? Oversimplified to wrap up with as many happy endings as possible it made it clear that this is just a soap opera, real life isn’t all as sweet and simple. Episode 20 was so excessively sweet it can give you diabetes. There's a lot of people who didn't look at the leaked script, they should've just pushed it, The thing 'SKY Castle' left behind.A drama that has a sincerity about a parent and child relationship, 1. Why are people so against the happy ending ㅋㅋ and is it really a happy ending when the ending showed the cycle continues? Honestly, I am so elated that Cha Min Hyuk’s irritating ugly giant pyramid is finally thrown out of the house (only rich people can really waste money on such atrocity). It's really so-so because of that scene at the end where they ditch school.